Monday, January 30, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Orenburg spindles. down

Веретено с традиционными старинными узорами 11 века. Змей горыныч и Еруслан Лазаревич

А вот тут показано как чешут оренбургский пух

Thursday, January 19, 2012

dragons. 2012

dragons, trees.

China. dragons

spindles are 31 cm tall. ideal balance

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Канал наша география имеет ролик об оренбургском пуховом платке.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

mohair and Orenburg goat down

side by side mohair (angora goats, fiber 11+cm long, adult) and Orenburg goat down (adult)

washed fiber. white

left to right:
mohair fleece, washed, Orenburg goat down fleece, washed
 mohair closer
 Orenburg goat down closer

 lock pulled from each fiber.

Orenburg goat down has guard hair, about same thickness as mohair fibers are. Orenburg goat down has weak/short fibers мякиш. No make a decent shawl one needs to get rid of 2 things - guard hair coat and myakish coat. That means combing, not carding.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

birds, cats, trees, leaves, spindles :)

cats. 16 cm spindle.

trees. 31 and 26 cm spindles

 leaves. 31 and 21 cm spindles

 birds. owls. 31.5 and 16 cm spindles