Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Holidays, food, woolie winder, DD and other stuff

Holiday food. Fish. salmon, dover sole, crab, vegetables (saute) and panco, Rolled, tied, fumet and resling and of it goes to cook

Simple whole salmon steamed in fish fumet (fish stock)  lemon and herbs

Spinning rig (reeves lazy kate fit particular bobbins, one from matchless fits more different brands ok)

woolie winder on Shacht reeves.. 4 ply yarn (3 wool one goat down)'

 close ups in holiday light are not that great, in day light a little better so (below)
 that's where I park yarn when I ply and change bobbins

 in morning sun light it changes color
 close to it's real color and a it of rustic texture.
 Holiday tree.

Santa and Father Frost .

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spinning bowls

All kinds of things can be used as a surface to work a supported spindle

Japanese traditional tea cup with a lid (the lid)
this kind

 condiments bowl (Chinese, about $1)
 silver plated bowl (makes a very fast surface)
 metal goblet (Arabic in this case, great spinning bowl)
 crystal, glass, tempered glass.
 wooden salad bowl :). there are not very large ones.

 Metal tipped spindles  work great on metal, glass, porcelain, high gloss wood like khohloma  other types I did not test, they may have not hard enough surface and using khohloma would be stretching the durability of the surface. Wooden bowls get scratched. Here is an example of tools of the trade. I persomaly prever with metal tipped spindled polished metal or glass. Cheap and universal. Thrifst store or garage sales is my kind of thing to find these.
The way I spin I like glasses like the metal goblet above.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Summer flowers no mystery KAL part 2 Летние цветы часть 2

Совместник летние цветы часть 2 показ узора.
Summer flowers no mystery KAL part 2 preview

Это серия основанная на узоре мышиный след. Мы учимся инверсии узора. Рисуем ажуром. Эти паутинки, катетки и палантин смотрятся очень хорошо на темной пряже, так же смотрятся хорошоти  в белой. Инверсия ажура проявляется именно в темном изделии.

This series is based on mouse print base pattern and teaches lace inversion, we draw with lace. These shawls look great in dark yarn that's where lace inversion shows up. They look in white very nice as well as you can see.

To be released this month (see my patterns store) Будут опубликованы в этом месяце (см линк рядом)

Совсестники: KAL's: 
            Summer flowers
            5 circle club

Released pattern in this series are Опубликованные схемы в этой серии:

Small shawl/baby blanket

Stole Палантин

Crimson bells full series release. Малиновый звон. Полная серия

Серия Малиновый звон опубликована полностью.
Crimson Bells series is published.
Base pattern set (small shawl, stole, adjustable size to large shawl)

Next step in learning patterns is medallion shawl/baby blanket
Детское одеяло или шаль меньшего размера порядка метр на метр.

Stole Палантин
5 circle shawl. The Beginning
Пятикруговая паутинка дл начинающих вязать пятикруговые узоры
Crimson Bells Forever
Пятикруговая паутинка классическая

look in black and white

thanks. happy knitting.
спасибо и легких петелек

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Summer flowers series. Lace study KAL

Lace study cal is hosted on ravelry

One pattern is MKAL. It's the base for Summer flowers series.
Another is not a mystery.

there are some pictures already. motherin from ravelry.

the skill set we learn in this KAL is how to draw with the lace itself. this pattern series is suitable for dark yarns.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Freeze. yeah. from freeze to over 25C in one day... does make for end of summer squash, beans, cuce and so on season. frozen for good
 more cold tolerant plants like these do bounce back at times
 this solid chunk of ice was over covered cucumbers. thre were not so many chances there
 these tolerate these kind of extreme temperatures
 frozen solid
 tomatoes after the cover came off. tarp method.
 damages on top

 and some support issues after that
but mostly it could be much worse. like squashes which will go to compost pile or maybe I'll just leave them as a cover where they are o ad to mulch and compost right there in the rows. So summer in our case was over in form of good freeze. Whoever had it in a field have squashes, cucumbers, melons just like mine frozen. I picked several young cucumbers I've missed frozen solid. I wonder how may I use those, I left them in freezer, will be an experiment, never used frozen cucumbers before