Friday, May 29, 2015

New Orenburg lace study series coming this summer. Stay tuned. Новая учебная серия

Новая учебная серия 
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New study series is coming this summer. Stay tuned :)

new garden.

this year new garden. Still new because it's 2-nd year perniculture - aka natural garden. In Japaneze gardening culture this soil is considered immature, so I still tooka risk with peppers and watermelons. Cucumbeer this year I did from seed and we had good bit of rain and chills, so they did not germinate yet and tomatoes are still sitting there doing close to nothing (meaning developing root because I did dig them up to top 2 leaves) and will be late like last year. So I hope that early frosts will not hit. But we did have late frost this year an late may snow so... We just go year by year, and I did not doo hoop houses to get around that,,, 

these is my lupin from seed. nitrogen fixer
 here are my gladiola and lillyin pots. this year I'm digging them out. I've learned my lesson. nothing lives in pot over the winter.

 policulture in flowers


my black gold - coffe that goes into my worms bed, already made.

on this spot second worms bed area will be made. ovr that compost pile natural breeding area. it was neighbors apples
 this is where I transfer my 'weeds' of borrage and fennel.

garden close ups. i'm experimenting with early nitrogen fixers



borrage weeds. these are so getting re-planted. I recall last year, they did turn into bushes

new perennials did come up
 and still fighting white top and bindweed combo....
 this year perennials
 and last year/ can see the differense

new sunchokes hedge...

and getting rid of that wood wine. tough... will have t root kill it. it tries to spread all over and invade gardens and beds.

bindweed mites fight . that is last year insectory; did not pull it; it did not bloom;  but i do not see mites infestation here...

garlic and raspberry> and bindweed infestation

 it is a bad one bordering 3 acres of weeds. so it will be a tough battle to pull in there..,. I may go permanent weed block under  mulch after I do build the soils if mites do not get it in several years. so far my goal to keep blooms down, elimination is not realistic at this point, too strong...

and pine trees recover...
these were almost dead last year

garden close ups. walking onions. much improved from last year. and garlic is nice and tall. that is a good plant for second year natural garden. that one is in full size nicely
 salad greens and cucumbers. will try to part shade it, but... will see. I go for cut and do autumn second crop.

 \these are so getting transplanted... missed them... and new currants and garlic

carrot and radishes over potatoes (fingerling kind)
 another radishes, I think I got my Favorited early kind. peas and 2 year onion and peppers experiment...
 volunteer borrage, I think
peppers and water melon and bush beans

 potatoes. second year. lavage. bush. second year
 peppers and cucumbers with some beans

weds to be transplanted :). borrage and fennel
 volunteer red leaf salad greens. heirloom. It looks like these like rock... ok :)
 some greens for autumn. will see what will happen... semi-shaded area in summer. my $2 experiment
 my leftover tomatoes . transplanted over not survivors...
 and that's where my roses are now. ones that made it