Saturday, July 28, 2012

Frogging green

Frogging is green или о том как распустить кашемировый свитер на шаль
So, frogging is green. I'm frogging green

in this case lime green.
Cashmere production in Mongolia lead by high demand for chap cashmere garnments caused 2 things
-  the quality of the fiber reduced, a lot
- a goat produces less fiber and lesser quality fiber when this fiber is not harvested sustainably, meaning there is significant overgrazing issue caused by the increase of the cashmere goats farming. Dust storms. What was grass now is dust storm production area, the grasses do not have enough to recover, they can not sustain the animals. In nature the animals vanish because there s not enough food, the predictors take care of the weak and sick animals. Farmers change that... with the help of humans overgrazing is happening and keeps growing.
I'm re-using cashmere from this sweater I've got quite  cheap becasue at some point it was caugh on somethig, and can not be sold at full price. so $5 it was

Итак, кашемир. В СССР мы распускали свитера. Почему я распускаю свитер в Америке? Кашемировую нитку я могу купить.
Причина простая: кашемир упал в качестве, и довольно сильно из-за того что поля стали пустыней и теперь там где была трава ее нет, перегрызли все козы, ушли на другое место. Слишком много коз, слишко мало травы. Пылевые бури из монголии идут кула ветер дует. Кашемир уже давно собирается на пределе ресурсов того что природа выдерживает. Спрос на дешевый кашемир - свитер за 20 долларов в Волмарте - его требуется больше, качество падает.
Этот свитер задернули, купила я его за 5-ку.
Свитера делаются для того чтоб их можно было распустить. Связаны они рукава, перед, зад, корло. Сначала кетлюют перед и зад сниу вверх. потом плечи обычно от горловины к рукаву, потом рукав снизу вверх, потом рукав к пройме покругу (по большей части по часовой), потом прикетлевывается горловина, но не отдельной ниткой а последним рядом горловины.
распускаем швы в обратном порядке тому как свитер на фабрике скетлевали. Вспарыватель работает отлично. после этого  берем горловину, распускаем, потом перед или зад. если там V горловина, то распускаем одно плечо, потом второе, потом средину все сверху вниз.
И так потихоньку, периодически растягивая петли в ширину, можно распустить со скоростью вязальной машины. Из одного свитера подучается шаль приличного размера.
Картинки ниже.

Ok, step by step. We did frog sweaters in USSR because... well we did not have a huge amount of stuff in stores. Here in America with huge amount of stuff in stores I'm froggings the sweater to use less stuff.
Sweaters are made to be frogged. It saves materials. How this sweater is made?
top, bottom are knit bottom up, means frog it top down. shoulders first.
Sleeves are are grafted bottom up towards the shoulder, back and front pannels are grafted bottom up, then shoulders are grafted, then sleeves are grafted (usualy clockwise, sometimes not), then the colar is attached. It means frog it mirroring commercial grafting.
Cut the end of the grafted stitch carefully, and unravel that, when all the grafting is out of the picture, you'll have 5 parts: 2 sleeves, front, back, collar. practice on collar. you may need to loosen sides like so from time to time
 hold wide parts like front like so

here is sleeve unraveled, almost
amish style swift works the best.
yarn winders. small

or larger

and off you go.
now setting the yarn... or should I say block it. Cashmere re-blocks. Can use swift (if it is not umbrella or nidy-nody)
that's why amish swift can save some time.
Wet the yarn, weight it, you need to force block it, especially if the garnment was dry cleaned.
Yeah, I know can not wash cashmere sweater, dry clean only, yeah, right :), washed so many of them :), you do not put it in the drier, you can not wash it in washing machine, unless you want to felt it really good...

I did not finish frogging, therefore blocking comes later :) stay tuned, stay green.
Can get a cashmere sweater in a thrift store for $5 or so quite often, frog it, try it :). The yarn used for fine cashmere sweaters is lace weigh between 28/2 to 16/2 or so. Sweater is 200gr on average. It's quite inexpensive, and you may just learn another way to stay a bit green. Back to lime green frogging :)


  1. I found a red mohair sweater that has a couple holes in it that i been keeping for this type of project. now i am inspired to get it out and unravel it and use the yarn for a new project.
    you really inspire me! glad i found your blog.
    also, i took out my russian spindles again last night and practiced spinning with them. It is so relaxing and i think i am getting faster and better at it. More consistent yarn. I have made several balls so far and once i finish with this ball i am spinning i should have enough to start a shawl. :)
