Thursday, February 28, 2013

Diamonds part 2

Let us begin.
Ну что, поехали...
holes based chart parts are here
части точечныхх схем выложены тут
H1_1 - stole, katetka-small shawl
HL1_1 - shawl

Small shawl or stole: is 22 teeth wide. Larger shawl: is 31 teeth wide
We start with bottom teeth ribbon. Cast on 7 stitches (we use Russian cast on). Following chart A knit 0 row, this row is important, it is the row where you will turn left bottom corner. For Stole or small shawl Knit 22 teeth using chart A like so: knit tooth 1 using chart A rows 0-18, then repeat 20 more times rows 3-18 and make the 22-th tooth repeating rows 3-17. For large shawl we need 31 teeth total, it means repeat 29 teeth instead of 20 in the sentence above.

Orange - slip stitch only for the edges.
Knit all even rows, slip the first stitch of every row purlwise. This applies to the entire shawl. It's garter stitch based lace..

Оранжевый цвет - кромочная петля. Все изнаночные ряды вязать лицевыми
Для катетки нужно вязать 22 зубца по схеме А, для платка 31 зубец.  Вяжем первый зубец по схеме А, потом повторяем ряды 3-18 схема А пока не будет 31 зубец. .останавливаемся на 17 ряду последнего зубца

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