Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter comfort

Blizzard outside,severe weather blizzard alert on all cell phones etc.
and more coming, that just a beginning now we can get a whiteout. Inside... there is need for comfort food. Means good winter soup is mising and it has to be fixed :). Potatoes, dry mushroom, carrot, onions, beans, chicken stock... oh white miso.. that sounds like a plan to me. Were did my udon go? right, all the ingredients are here and I'm not sticking my nouse out because the roads are treacherous it makes it for a very bad driving weather.
so we start with good helping of white miso, and some chicken stock. Dry mushroom goes in there, and then cubed potatoes . Beans I had in cans, means time savings. Onion, small bell peppers (because I had those and red, yellow, orange make for a nice winter color addition) and carrots go into saute pan , because I like my vegetables this way. When the vegetables are almost there we put the udon in, vegetables and beans. and then I just let it do it's thing and go off the smell, if it smells right, it's done.

and then let it sit, copper makes it for nice energy savings also. Cast iron dutch oven would an excellent pot to make that soup also.

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