Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer garden update

Summer rain is great. No hail, just good rain. After the rain... borage. I do not recall seeing blue and pink flowers on the same plant.

So let's compare... I admit I was going to add more ties in there... 
well you got the idea. wild heirloom tomatoes. no did not train them. but need to thin the leaves at the bottom. OIur summer is usually hot and very dry. Amount of the rain we got is pleasantly unusual. Up to 1 rain every week. by our measure that's a lot, and we could at times get even 2 of them, it is major amount in our books we have even green grass (wild native grasses by that time are all yellow and dry).

Sanmarzano are in the mode better late then never :)

Others are on the wild side and I have my 'tie that and this' cut out for me. some went on the ground during last rain. all mulched, but... yeah... what tomato cages...

someone has mentioned 'you are going to have tomatoes jungle' a month and something ago... the way they were stunted and mineral deficient I did have my doubts quite a lot regarding that. and June bug (beadles) I've found (yep that large 2-nd year larvae, c-shaped and thick...) did not quite was setting it for a lot of green. I do have some bug losses but not as many I thought I would. it seems my not so strategically positioned horse manure and wood shavings piles did the 'big attraction' bait role. Where did they come from? Local organic nursery gave the idea... it turns out landscapers put 3 bushes that June bug particularly loves to eat... I was wondering why one of them has a trouble... and why I found hundreds of that larvae in my wood chips compost piles. I'e killed a lot of them and I'm sure there is lot's more to go. I'll try to find as many as I can. these are good for the chicken and other large birds, they just are way deep in the pile when it gets cold they come up to feed. If I dig for them in the garden a lot I'll damage the roots. 
Ideas regarding how to get rid of June bug larvae in organic garden are most welcome. I attract them by compost piles, so they seem to go there, then I turn and kill them.
I did feed some tomato warms to neighbor's chickens too. One of the reasons why I did not pull the leaves. If they feed they have a lot and I'll find them. They come in 2 forms - none or huge. Never have sens baby tomato warm...  they seem to get huge overnight or something...
Sorrel came to senses
We were going to test how carrots look like... we were going for 1, ok that did not happen, they were 'knotted' 

Squash is producing to the levels of more than I know what to do with (bread, frozen, saute, grill...)
 newer have seeng bees from different hives fight inside the squash blossom.
 Armenian cucumber. thought they did not make it. they did.

 potatoes, they did lay down and stopped booming since then

Japanese cucumber. yeah... sushi...
grapes, new kind of lavender (small plant), pine-berry, and some tomatoes... if I did out what it's label is in there....

Squashes...missed them. ok... maybe I'll think what to do with them...


Summer salad... well there are also tomatoes I've missed :)
or this


close up's. Jerusalem artichoke., greens and beans (new)
new alpines. white and red

 fennel (old), pepper
and so on... It's getting there. 


  1. Looks like a bountiful harvest, this garden came out beautiful! nice job :)

  2. thanks. I'll be seeding for winter crop. need to decide what to plant :).
