Sunday, April 19, 2015

Filling gaps retrospective. Garden over the winter

Garden over the winter. Seems like nothing to do after this
in later September
 Oktober... Still had tomatoes on the front,
Some later raspbery planted in autumn before winter. The tall 'twigs', it supposed to be the autumn-summer kind. Some did make it. Not bad for the freebie, and roots are there, they seem to make it a lot better next year. 
 We found this one, saved it once from being run over, set loose in the garden, it somehow escaped and ended up run over by a car. Sad... It was a nice side toad.

Spring bulbs got planted

 And autumn colors in full bloom. Was hoping some of these hardy mums will go through the winter. And they did. Yellows did not make it, but maybe they are a late kind...

 Same happened to this yellow, did not seem to come back for some reason
 THese come back every year and one goes with anice size saw cutting these down mid spring...
 Some perennials
 And borrage weeds. Some already coming back
 So in October it was like this, and then after one last hard freeze it was over.
 These sunchokes did hold longer and overwinter nicely too.
 Mizuna is one of the things that comes back in autumn but does not overwinter. some kale however did
 This was late October, weathered some mild frosts
 And these were out there into November and even a bit late... covered
 Became what we call 'garden caviar'. A kind of winter salad

 A usual, a winter staple
 And green tomatoes, plenty of those...
 Israeli cucumbers seem to turn soft when canned, do not think I'll go for that kind.
 Apples, was a good year, not my tree, but fr the neighborhood, Cleaned up old apples and the good ones. These are nice before the last hard frost. Very sweet naturally. Keeps into February

So winter garden. How is it?
The dirt needs tending. The weeds that were there got covered. Ans some bulbs were forced.
 Some berries were canned
 And fun pies
 And winter bounty of squash.
 And this experiment.

So the winter tending to dirt. Cardboard, and mulch cover.
Winter garden was eft to be all the way into February. no cleaning. earth worms were active, and the remains of tomatoes and other plants helped with rough winter winds.
 Tending to cleaned up rows and adding coffee and grass and then mulching
 Some irrigation was busted during the clean up.
 Here is in clean up process
 This is layering of the winter material
 And all in snow
 February brings this as the snow comes off

 These are blooming several weeks, Plants are still there in March and April, early crocus is a short burst of very early spring.

 these lived through several snow falls

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