Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cooking corner: Autumn harvest in older garden, aka gluts...

Autumn... yeah... that looks familiar. Caning tub.

those are 2 quarts aka 2 liter jars... need to get more of smaler ones, pantry is ... lacking free space now
that's where these went... 

and in here

And we did not get to other stuff ... these... they will overwinter :)
 sunchokes patch is replaced by asparagus, better to say sunchokes were finally booted from this spot... almost, there is a stray between the row :)
 yep, right there in the corner.

these are carrot volunteers.
 nursery bought survivor pepper
 chinese artichokes, kind of like mint but has quite interesting root, edible, small tuber kind of  a thing
 rhubarb and others...
 sunchokes by the side of the garden. 100% passive, no irrigation.
between tomatoes section

Where were sunchokes booted?
 here... and they are height of the shed...

we are heading toward the freeze... can freeze in couple of days in fact. nights in 40-th are here.

 the jungle :)

 slightly claustrophobic :)
 and with the seed tomatoes
 Well... did not pick all yet...

 Clearly I have vegetables problem :)

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