Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Water management and ditches , close to completion

Winter is such a thing... we have have 60-70+F degrees drop. Thankfully this one came with some snow to cover. One day it's 60-69F another it's 10F... to 0... that was a 2 day drop. But the ditch was almost completed, only there was too late to do rock and it started freezing already.
Previous post is about beginning of the BTE wood chips filled drain.

Some more of the logs from the stash were put to good use, mostly longer ones
This is from the last week when we had to pause... for obvious reasons because it froze...
 Then it was 65F again and on the weekend, so the area was covered because that's necessary

Because that's the same area with the weeds cut already several times between he berm and the grass, 6 types of different perennial weeds at least and 4 types of annuals including cheat grass and cochia and thistles and good old bind weeds

same covered

this is the other side of the same ditch when it was still open so the area between the grass and the rock can be seeing open , it is de-facto a dry creek that does redirect water that was rushed from the lawn, it indeed will make the back berm drier,
but because I put some xeric plants there and drip irrigation and doing some deep mulch soil improvements that will not be an issue even this year due to massively increased soil moisture retention compared to clay and rock cover it used to be... without weed fabric and rock, picture taken in dead summer heat in July and the area was still wet (we do not water this type of grass a lot, it's also a xeric type, not typical lawn grass it does have rhizomes so and spreads past the edging unless it's edged often... learned lesson the hard way :) )
this is the beginning of this ditch-dry creek (left), all the flush flood water is redirected to kitchen garden (right, protecting play area with the drains)

 Where are logs there are some bugs sometimes. and here is my busy clean up crew going after the grabs with...hunger

Completed side and log work before wood chips
 And after
 Also some log work on the side of the lawn and bushes
 And here was our 70F degree drop.

 Hope we will get more snow than this, it is too wry

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