Saturday, June 16, 2018

War with bugs and birds for the crops

Summer means fruit, it also means pests.
Aka bugs and bird, esp when birds turn and instead of eating bugs eat all your strawberry when they get under bird nets, all your currants and junberry.
Pests combined are not good. So the war was declared by using traps (oil for bugs, caught lots or black ants too which was sadly not intended... was going for earwigs and caught those too)
Berries were wrapped because red robins and grackles (aka flying rats) were getting in under the bird nets.
I'm seriously thinking of ultrasonic bird guards during currants ripening season.

I tested sluggo plus, not sure how effective it is still have lots of bugs and it was deployed several times as well, under the plates it seems to do better, and under cedar scrap wood.

oil trap with earwigs, old cups re-purposed. Ask for some chipped, cracked ets from your local folk, use them like so

 This is the extent I have to go for juneberry...

 these buggers dive bomb
 2 got in under that wrap, ate a lot and one did not end up well the other escaped with the tail missing, wrapped that plant double... seriously, they get through bird nets
that's how currant is warped now.
 They are trying to switch on grapes... now sure what am I going to do next

Some flowers.
 And gardener fuel. Jun and kombucha, good batch and plenty to share
 Juveniles with the broody, she is doing well after the hawck attack last year, that's why her tail is not straight and one wing is damaged, but she is managing these 3 young roosters and 2 more young hens (hoping... not all 5 are roosters, have seeing that)
 Lavender is doing well, but pink one I can not establish at all...
 Now about buying overfed-over-fertilized to make them look good goji berry from nursery - never do that, ever.
 That's the fertilizer withdrawal... Another young goji is just fine.

I lost some juveniles to predator and that's very sad. 2 days later I had her sit and RO considered not broody... makes me wonder if they know that their chicks were killed and have to do it again... I did not expect her to do that almost right after the attack.

My roses are doing ok, I was so hoping Julia Child is not all dead, and it is not, not sure how will I nurse that one back so...

that's all for now.
Later I'll post some from my iris collection.

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