Fog makes everything looks like a secret garden
Even work in progress drainage system and berm looks different
the path to dry creek and the patio bed that I let the vegetables grow in just to see what will happen
dry creek
and the down stream
chickens lost and found :)
the observation area
Aspen grove
And the sunchokes :)
Kitched garden is moist no extra water needed
And the greens are up. Young trees will go to their permanent place tomorrow.
The greens are in
New flower bed has all different look in the fog
Work in progress drain and ditch
Some flowers close ups
Her is the front terraces that were made as lasagna
stage 1 and stage 2 are ready and planted with some currants and Rose of Sharon
guess who's hiding :)
Here is terraces going down the slope and the corner focl point conifer. Colrado blue spruce.
Terrace at the top level
And the perspective of how steep the slope is for the emergency flood water ditches and culverts
Front perspective
And some berries, they are this spring transplants, it was rough because of 3 late frosts
The drain that manages the water near the farm gate and the back of the property road. Also perspective to the back and the side and new hugel berm fr berries or what else
Sunchokes are getting bigger and bigger.
Chickens in the morning, hiding from predators
Front trees, hawthorns produces good crop
Butterfly garden.
And dead heading roses really does work, see summer maintenance here the roses in full bloom again
Dry creek side bed and aspens
These are aronia and wait... yep, blubbery experiment... going right into BTE bed. Blueberry was on sale, so why not. It will be the test.